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California International Reggio Center (CIRC)

Welcoming educators from around the globe to deepen their understanding of the Reggio Emilia Approach® through professional development. 

"To make a lovable school, industrious, inventive, livable, documentable, and communicable, a place of research, learning, re-cognition and reflection, where children, teachers and families feel well - is our point of arrival."

- Loris Malaguzzi, Founder of the Reggio Emilia Approach®
CIRC Presents: The 100 Languages | Thursday, Feb. 13, 2025

The Hundred Languages is a pedagogical strategy for the construction of concepts and the consolidation of understanding, a way of structuring knowledge and organizing learning. The Hundred Languages are described as being expressive, communicative, symbolic, cognitive, ethical, metaphorical, logical, imaginative and relational. Learn more about this approach at this Reggio Emilia workshop hosted by La Scuola International School.


Register Today about CIRC Presents: The 100 Languages | Thursday, Feb. 13, 2025

Join Us at La Scuola

Join our expert CIRC team at La Scuola International School. Sessions held at La Scuola are an opportunity for educators to be inspired by our Reggio Emilia spaces, explore pedagogy in action, and deepen their understanding of the Reggio Emilia Approach®. Explore our upcoming events to learn more!

Attend a Roundtable

CIRC Roundtables, led by the CIRC team and  held at schools throughout the Bay Area, present educators with the opportunity to network, learn, and exchange ideas with like-minded individuals on the topic of the Reggio Emilia Approach. Explore our upcoming events to learn more!

CIRC Professional Development Consultancy

CIRC offers schools and all educators professional development consultancy that is tailored to your needs.  Our professional development inspired by the Reggio Approach to education includes a focus on these principles:

  • The Hundred Languages of learning
  • The Image of the child
  • Pedagogy of Listening
  • Documentation 
  • The environment as the third educator 
  • Teacher as researcher 
  • The role of the atelierista
  • The role of the pedagogista
  • Bridge between theory and practice and social constructivism

Please contact us if you would like to discuss with us your ideas for professional development for your staff.

Stefano Fabro

Stefano Fabro is a Preschool Teacher and Pedagogical Coordinator at La Scuola International School. 

Federica Lentini

Federica Lentini has been working in educational leadership for more than a decade, specializing in early childhood. Currently, her work focuses on collaborating with teachers and administrative staff to design, implement, and evaluate developmentally appropriate Reggio-inspired curriculum and programming.